I am a professional and highly educated LMT, H.E.A.L Practioner, Doctor of Metaphysics, Grand Master of Angelic Light Therapy, MPS Technician, and Supreme Science certified Qiqong instructor. I promise to only use the finest products in massage therapy giving you your full time. I even go beyond that and take certain measurements to do energy cleansing between each client to prevent cross contamination of negative energy which is much more important than washing hands in not spreading germs (which I also do). It is also imperative for any health practioner to maintain healing techniques on themselves to be able to fully help other people. I go above and beyond what anyone else does because I have been to my lowest point and care enough to help others get through their challenging times with a greater ease. I ensure to take the time to thoroughly review your health and to apply the appropriate techniques that will work best for you. On top of it all, I have acquired the gift of sending powerful vibrations in your body to help you heal. All you have to do is be open to it, be ready and believe! I also give water bottles, gifts, affirmations, and/or inspirations with all sessions.
Janie Ambrose LMT #MA55521
Radio show with Alvin on Holistically speaking. Check out the replay for free here:
Have you ever gotten angry, sad, frustrated or ever have any feelings that did not feel good and you did not know what to do to feel good? Are you suffering from any pain, illness, disease, or imbalance? Have you ever had any traumas, tension, or stress that you may still be holding on to? Do you have a desire to reach or even maintain great wellness? If you have answered yes to any of this and would like to know what you can do to feel good, rejuvenated, and thrive in ways that are quick, easy, and free-then you are going to love this book.
This book will be available soon.
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