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Would you like the benefits of Acupuncture without the puncture and pain of needles?
Well now you can thanks to this Amazing modality that uses very high vibration essential oils over Acupressure points with pure pleasure and more benefits.
To change the cellular matrix to the higher evolution of expression the removal of blockages in the 12 main meridians of the body is essential. The blockages are the origin of memory, linear time, and the low emotions associated with them. Fragrance, as the one sense that never fell (its frequency remained high), is a key component in providing an effortless solution to blockages caused by separation consciousness, reminding the body of its oneness with Source.
Essential oils with a powerfully highest vibration are used for specific meridians and massaged over acupressure points. This not only benefits by removing blockages and opening up meridians, but also aides in specifically dispelling Grief, Intolerance, Frustration, Bitterness, Guilt, Disappointment, Remorse, Opposition to change, Disgust, Greed, Shame, Blame, Worry, Anxiety about the future, Self-destructiveness, Mood swings, Joylessness, Anger, Self-Pity, Neediness, Insecurity, Sadness, Abandonment, Feeling unheard, Fright and shock, Impatience, Restlessness, Unfulfillment, Fear, Indecision, Loss/Deprivation, Victimization/Injustice, Emotional Injury, Addiction, Jealousy, Regret, Hopelessness, Depression, Despair, Suicidal, Rage, Impotence, Self-importance, Stagnation/ Stuck, Protectiveness, Desire to save, Phobias, and Obsessiveness.
When these low vibration emotions are transformed to a higher energy that flows pain and disfunction goes.
Most of the oils are massaged on arms and legs so you will be able to cover up with clothes if you are sensitive to smell. For full effect the oils will need to be kept on for 24 hrs as each oil corresponds to specific organs which has their own 2 hr higher cleansing times. Only a small drop on each spot is needed so it is not overpowering. I, myself do love the smell of the oils and rub some under my nose to be able to smell it. The first time I did this accutincture with these oils I immediately felt euphoric bliss! Go to contact page to schedule you or a loved one a session today! $59.95 per session
A Higher Vibration Awaits You!
Special offer: Free Acupoint Electro Therapy Session ($60 value) with a Actinture session for limited time only!
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